How To Install and Configure Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 16.04 + Bonus (Nifi ^^)

Step 1 — Downloading and Installing Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch can be downloaded directly from in ziptar.gzdeb, or rpm packages. For Ubuntu, it’s best to use the deb (Debian) package which will install everything you need to run Elasticsearch.

First, update your package index.

sudo apt-get update

Download the latest Elasticsearch version, which is 2.3.1 at the time of writing.


Then install it in the usual Ubuntu way with dpkg.

sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-2.3.1.deb

This results in Elasticsearch being installed in /usr/share/elasticsearch/ with its configuration files placed in /etc/elasticsearch and its init script added in /etc/init.d/elasticsearch.

To make sure Elasticsearch starts and stops automatically with the server, add its init script to the default runlevels.

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service

Before starting Elasticsearch for the first time, please check the next section about the recommended minimum configuration.

Step 2 — Configuring Elasticsearch

Now that Elasticsearch and its Java dependencies have been installed, it is time to configure Elasticsearch. The Elasticsearch configuration files are in the /etc/elasticsearch directory. There are two files:

  • elasticsearch.yml configures the Elasticsearch server settings. This is where all options, except those for logging, are stored, which is why we are mostly interested in this file.
  • logging.yml provides configuration for logging. In the beginning, you don’t have to edit this file. You can leave all default logging options. You can find the resulting logs in /var/log/elasticsearch by default.

The first variables to customize on any Elasticsearch server are and in elasticsearch.yml. As their names suggest, specifies the name of the server (node) and the cluster to which the latter is associated.

If you don’t customize these variable, a will be assigned automatically in respect to the Droplet hostname. The will be automatically set to the name of the default cluster.

The value is used by the auto-discovery feature of Elasticsearch to automatically discover and associate Elasticsearch nodes to a cluster. Thus, if you don’t change the default value, you might have unwanted nodes, found on the same network, in your cluster.

To start editing the main elasticsearch.yml configuration file with nano or your favorite text editor.

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Remove the # character at the beginning of the lines for and to uncomment them, and then update their values. Your first configuration changes in the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file should look like this:


. . . mycluster1 "My First Node"
. . .

These the minimum settings you can start with using Elasticsearch. However, it’s recommended to continue reading the configuration part for more thorough understanding and fine-tuning of Elasticsearch.

One especially important setting of Elasticsearch is the role of the server, which is either master or slave. Master servers are responsible for the cluster health and stability. In large deployments with a lot of cluster nodes, it’s recommended to have more than one dedicated master. Typically, a dedicated master will not store data or create indexes. Thus, there should be no chance of being overloaded, by which the cluster health could be endangered.

Slave servers are used as workhorses which can be loaded with data tasks. Even if a slave node is overloaded, the cluster health shouldn’t be affected seriously, provided there are other nodes to take additional load.

The setting which determines the role of the server is called node.master. By default, a node is a master. If you have only one Elasticsearch node, you should leave this option to the default true value because at least one master is always needed. Alternatively, if you wish to configure the node as a slave, assign a false value to the variable node.master like this:/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

. . .
node.master: false
. . .

Another important configuration option is, which determines whether a node will store data or not. In most cases this option should be left to its default value (true), but there are two cases in which you might wish not to store data on a node. One is when the node is a dedicated master” as previously mentioned. The other is when a node is used only for fetching data from nodes and aggregating results. In the latter case the node will act up as a search load balancer.

Again, if you have only one Elasticsearch node, you should not change this value. Otherwise, to disable storing data locally, specify as false like this:/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

. . . false
. . .

In larger Elasticsearch deployments with many nodes, two other important options are index.number_of_shards and index.number_of_replicas. The first determines how many pieces, or shards, the index will be split into. The second defines the number of replicas which will be distributed across the cluster. Having more shards improves the indexing performance, while having more replicas makes searching faster.

By default, the number of shards is 5 and the number of replicas is 1. Assuming that you are still exploring and testing Elasticsearch on a single node, you can start with only one shard and no replicas. Thus, their values should be set like this:/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

. . .
index.number_of_shards: 1
index.number_of_replicas: 0
. . .

One final setting which you might be interested in changing is, which determines the path where data is stored. The default path is /var/lib/elasticsearch. In a production environment, it’s recommended that you use a dedicated partition and mount point for storing Elasticsearch data. In the best case, this dedicated partition will be a separate storage media which will provide better performance and data isolation. You can specify a different path by specifying it like this:/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

. . . /media/different_media
. . .

Once you make all the changes, save and exit the file. Now you can start Elasticsearch for the first time.

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Give Elasticsearch a few to fully start before you try to use it. Otherwise, you may get errors about not being able to connect.

Step 3 — Securing Elasticsearch

By default, Elasticsearch has no built-in security and can be controlled by anyone who can access the HTTP API. This is not always a security risk because Elasticsearch listens only on the loopback interface (i.e., which can be accessed only locally. Thus, no public access is possible and your Elasticsearch is secure enough as long as all server users are trusted or this is a dedicated Elasticsearch server.

Still, if you wish to harden the security, the first thing to do is to enable authentication. Authentication is provided by the commercial Shield plugin. Unfortunately, this plugin is not free but there is a free 30 day trial you can use to test it. Its official page has excellent installation and configuration instructions. The only thing you may need to know in addition is that the path to the Elasticsearch plugin installation manager is /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin.

If you don’t want to use the commercial plugin but you still have to allow remote access to the HTTP API, you can at least limit the network exposure with Ubuntu’s default firewall, UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall). By default, UFW is installed but not enabled. If you decide to use it, follow these steps:

First, create a rule to allow any needed services. You will need at least SSH allowed so that you can log in the server. To allow world-wide access to SSH, whitelist port 22.

sudo ufw allow 22

Then allow access to the default Elasticsearch HTTP API port (TCP 9200) for the trusted remote host, e.g.TRUSTED_IP, like this:

sudo ufw allow from TRUSTED_IP to any port 9200

Only after that enable UFW with the command:

sudo ufw enable

Finally, check the status of UFW with the following command:

sudo ufw status

If you have specified the rules correctly, the output should look like this:

Output of java -versionStatus: active

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
9200                       ALLOW       TRUSTED_IP
22                         ALLOW       Anywhere
22 (v6)                    ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)

Once you have confirmed UFW is enabled and protecting Elasticsearch port 9200, then you can allow Elasticsearch to listen for external connections. To do this, open the elasticsearch.yml configuration file again.

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Find the line that contains network.bind_host, uncomment it by removing the # character at the beginning of the line, and change the value to so it looks like this:/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

. . .
. . .

We have specified so that Elasticsearch listens on all interfaces and bound IPs. If you want it to listen only on a specific interface, you can specify its IP in place of

To make the above setting take effect, restart Elasticsearch with the command:

sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch

After that try to connect from the trusted host to Elasticsearch. If you cannot connect, make sure that the UFW is working and the variable has been correctly specified.

Step 4 — Testing Elasticsearch

By now, Elasticsearch should be running on port 9200. You can test it with curl, the command line client-side URL transfers tool and a simple GET request.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200'

You should see the following response:

Output of curl{
  "name" : "My First Node",
  "cluster_name" : "mycluster1",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "2.3.1",
    "build_hash" : "bd980929010aef404e7cb0843e61d0665269fc39",
    "build_timestamp" : "2016-04-04T12:25:05Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "5.5.0"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

If you see a response similar to the one above, Elasticsearch is working properly. If not, make sure that you have followed correctly the installation instructions and you have allowed some time for Elasticsearch to fully start.

To perform a more thorough check of Elasticsearch execute the following command:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?pretty'

In the output from the above command you can see and verify all the current settings for the node, cluster, application paths, modules, etc.

Step 5 — Using Elasticsearch

To start using Elasticsearch, let’s add some data first. As already mentioned, Elasticsearch uses a RESTful API, which responds to the usual CRUD commands: create, read, update, and delete. For working with it, we’ll use again curl.

You can add your first entry with the command:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/1' -d '{ "message": "Hello World!" }'

You should see the following response:


With cuel, we have sent an HTTP POST request to the Elasticsearch server. The URI of the request was /tutorial/helloworld/1 with several parameters:

  • tutorial is the index of the data in Elasticsearch.
  • helloworld is the type.
  • 1 is the id of our entry under the above index and type.

You can retrieve this first entry with an HTTP GET request.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/1'

The result should look like:

Output{"_index":"tutorial","_type":"helloworld","_id":"1","_version":1,"found":true,"_source":{ "message": "Hello World!" }}

To modify an existing entry, you can use an HTTP PUT request.

curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/1?pretty' -d '
  "message": "Hello People!"

Elasticsearch should acknowledge successful modification like this:

  "_index" : "tutorial",
  "_type" : "helloworld",
  "_id" : "1",
  "_version" : 2,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 2,
    "successful" : 1,
    "failed" : 0
  "created" : false

In the above example we have modified the message of the first entry to “Hello People!”. With that, the version number has been automatically increased to 2.

You may have noticed the extra argument pretty in the above request. It enables human readable format so that you can write each data field on a new row. You can also “prettify” your results when retrieving data and get much nicer output like this:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/1?pretty'

Now the response will be in a much better format:

  "_index" : "tutorial",
  "_type" : "helloworld",
  "_id" : "1",
  "_version" : 2,
  "found" : true,
  "_source" : {
    "message" : "Hello People!"

So far we have added to and queried data in Elasticsearch. To learn about the other operations please check the API documentation.

Last Step – Get Data from SQL to Elastich With Nifi


That’s how easy it is to install, configure, and begin using Elasticsearch. Once you have played enough with manual queries, your next task will be to start using it from your applications.

Introduction of – Apache Pulsar

Apache Pulsar is an open-source distributed pub-sub messaging system originally created at Yahoo! that is part of the Apache Software Foundation.

Pulsar is a multi-tenant, high-performance solution for server-to-server messaging.

Pulsar’s key features include:

Architecture Overview

At the highest level, a Pulsar instance is composed of one or more Pulsar clusters. Clusters within an instance can replicate data amongst themselves.

The diagram below provides an illustration of a Pulsar cluster:

Pulsar Comparison With Apache Kafka

The table below lists the similarities and differences between Apache Pulsar and Apache Kafka:

ConceptsProducer-topic-consumer group-consumerProducer-topic-subscription-consumer
ConsumptionMore focused on streaming, exclusive messaging on partitions. No shared consumption.Unified messaging model and API.

  • Streaming via exclusive, failover subscription
  • Queuing via shared subscription
AckingSimple offset management

  • Prior to Kafka 0.8, offsets are stored in ZooKeeper
  • After Kafka 0.8, offsets are stored on offset topics
Unified messaging model and API.

  • Streaming via exclusive, failover subscription
  • Queuing via shared subscription
RetentionMessages are deleted based on retention. If a consumer doesn’t read messages before the retention period, it will lose data.Messages are only deleted after all subscriptions consumed them. No data loss even the consumers of a subscription are down for a long time.Messages are allowed to keep for a configured retention period time even after all subscriptions consume them.
TTLNo TTL supportSupports message TTL


Apache Pulsar is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. It seems that it will be a competitive alternative to Apache Kafka due to its unique features.


  1. Apache Pulsar homepage
  2. Yahoo! Open Source homepage
  3. Apache homepage
  4. Pulsar concepts and architecture documentation
  5. Comparing Pulsar and Kafka: Unified queueing and streaming
  6. Apache-Pulsar Distributed Pub-Sub Messaging System

How to use dbt in python environment

Dbt is usefull library for dwh to create a datamart or datamarts. You can find all details in dbt official pages.

I used a few times, so i can clarify for you how you can create a dbt models and dbt configs in your own project, you can do that like below step by steps;

1 – Create a profiles.yml file for DBT Profile. Specify your db connection information etc.
2 – Create a data_model folder like project_dir
3 – Create a .yml file for main project .yml file and you will call it like project_file
4 – Create your own dbt_runner file like and set it your execution configs
5 – Create a model folder, you will put your models in that folder
6 – Create a schema or model for yourself and put into that folder a xxxx.schema.yml file
6.1 – Put some table value like below;
– somthng_id
– somthng_id
– xxx_id

In the end, you will have like below folder and schema;
# DBT Profile. Specify your DB connection information etc.
profiles.yml on the root directory
bietl_data_model folder
bietl_datamarts.yml file python file

> models
> specification of your models bietl
> bietl_datamarts.schema.yml
> sql files for using.sql

I’m executing that dbt in airflow das but I didn’t mention it, maybe in next post.

Export Data from Redshift to S3 Bucket, Load Cloud Storage and Query on BQ

Hello Everyone,

My post header is going to the moon sorry for that 🙂

Last week I spent my time on GC but, if your data is in RS you have to unload your data from redshift to s3 cause of GC is not loaded data directly in redshift. So you have to use a bridge for that issue if your programming skills not enough in some scripting or oop languages you can do like below;

1 – Create a scheduled task for execution of below code;

unload (‘select * from test.bietltools where somefields is not null limit 100;’)
to ‘s3://bietltools-external/2018-08-29/bietltools_reports_dm_dt.csv’
iam_role ‘arn:aws:iam::123456789101:role/RedshiftS3Access’;

That query must be executed in Redshift, so if everything is fine on S3;

2 – Create a transfer task in Google Cloud Storage

Get your credentials and go to the cloud storage interface and create a transfer task in GCS from s3, fill text with your own credentials and bucket name etc.

You can find details on cloud storage page when you get your data from s3 to cloud storage.

3 – Create an external table in BigQuery

Create your Big Query table like an external table on BigQuery interface and create your first table with the schema or without the schema.

If you care about header in your file, no worry you can add the fields in big query table options side.

And now you are ready to query your data, enjoy querying 🙂

Installation of Tableau Server Ubuntu On Promise 2018.2

Hi Everyone,

On my last post, I mentioned to Easy DWH and Easy Dashboarding that post is related with my last post.

Lets Start;

Create a folder and store downloaded file in that path.

mkdir tableauinst


Step 1: Install Tableau Server package and start Tableau Services Manager

Install Tableau Server with your distribution’s package manager, then run a script to initialize Tableau Services Manager (TSM). Tableau Services Manager is the management toolset used to install, configure, and manage Tableau services.

The initialize script is included with the installed package.

1 – Log on as a user with sudo access to the computer where you want to install Tableau Server.

2 – Navigate to the directory where you copied the Tableau Server installation package.

3 – Use the package manager to install the Tableau Server package.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gdebi-core
sudo gdebi -n tableau-server-<version>_amd64.deb

4 – Run the following script to start TSM:

sudo ./initialize-tsm –accepteula

5 – After initialization is complete, close the terminal session:

6 – Navigate to the scripts directory:

cd /opt/tableau/tableau_server/packages/scripts.<version>

7 – If your organization uses a forward proxy solution to access the internet, then configure Tableau Server to use the proxy server. Tableau Server must access the internet for map data and for default licensing functionality.

Step 2: Activate and register Tableau Server

Before you can configure Tableau Server you must activate a license and register.

Beginning by logging on to the TSM web UI. See Sign in to Tableau Services Manager Web UI.

Step 3: Configure general server settings

The most important configuration on this Setup page is the identity store option.

I did Local Auth, so you can specify others, check on Tableau website.

Step 4: Create the Tableau Server administrator account

Create the Tableau Server administrator account.

  • If you are using LDAP for authentication, then the account that you specify here must be a user in the directory.

    Run the following command:

    tabcmd initialuser --server 'localhost:80' –username '<AD-user-name>'

  • On the other hand, if you are running Tableau Server with local authentication, the username and password that you specify here will be used to create the administrative account. Enter a strong password for this account.

    Run the following command:

    tabcmd initialuser --server 'localhost:80' --username 'admin'

Use this account to access the Tableau Server admin web pages.

Step 5: Configure local firewall (optional)

We recommend that you run a local firewall on the computer that is running Tableau Server. This is a security best practice. By default, Linux distributions do not enable firewall during standard installations.

If you have installed or enabled a local firewall then you must open two ports for Tableau Server. These ports are the gateway port (TCP 80) and the tabadmincontroller port (TCP 8850). The following procedure shows an example of how to open these ports using Firewalld, which is the default firewall on CentOS. If you are using a different firewall then you’ll need to determine the right commands to run to open these ports.

  1. Start firewalld:

    sudo systemctl start firewalld

  2. Set default zone to public. Run the following command:

    sudo firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=public

  3. Add ports for the gateway port and the tabadmincontroller port. Run the following commands:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8850/tcp

  4. Reload the firewall and verify the settings. Run the following commands:

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

    sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

    Bingo, Tableau is working now, just a sample from tableau dashboard 🙂

Analytics on GC – BQ

Hello Everyone,

Last a few days I spent the time to find some solutions for easy DWH and easy Dashboarding.

Lets Start;


1Create a GC account


Which is promoted 300 $ per 1st year.

2 – Create A project and enable billing for that project.


Just write your credit card information for 1$ sample payment, Google will send again your bank account.

If you have some data from your current DWH or some files on somewhere;

3Create a Cloud Storage for BQ
set getting data from some sources

4Create a Sync Job for s3 or wherever you want to get data sources

I’m getting my data from s3, you have to set a name for source and one name for a destination, so I mention that like s3toGCstorage source and for destination destinations3toGCstorage.

And now you have your data on GC Storage, it scheduled and it works fine.

5Create a dataset on BigQuery

bq mk BigTableau

6Create a Table and Load Data from GCStorage
On webui or activate cloud shell

bq –location=[LOCATION] load –source_format=[FORMAT] [DATASET].[TABLE] [PATH_TO_SOURCE] [SCHEMA]

In the end, you scheduled your task on GC Storage, that task getting your data from your sources, you created a BQ table to the struct that your data, and now we have to create a dashboard or whatever.

I will install tableau server for my issue, but you can use data studio in GC or whatever you want, in last a few years lots of Dashboard tools support to BQ for sourcing.

I will mention that in another post.

Career Roadmapping About Data

In following up on Dave Wells’ recent piece titled The Evolution (and Opportunity) of IT Careers, Jennifer takes a different look at the challenges of trying to understand why some people are happy and successful in their careers, while others just continue to struggle.

The concept of program, project, and operations as a significant career influence is one that I’ve worked with for years, and over that time it has inspired quite a bit of discussion. While Dave’s ideas about information, data, and systems are interesting, I think that they need to be slightly adjusted from a career perspective. Instead of information, data, and systems, let’s look at information, data, and technology. Today’s reality is that information and technology are diverging. So what makes sense from a career perspective is data, information, and technology roles.


Now let’s intersect that with program, project, and operations to adjust the grid from the previous article. It now looks like the image in Figure 1.

In my career guidance role, I see a lot of potential value to use this view as a framework to build career roadmaps.

A career roadmap is a navigational concept that shows not only where you’ve been in your career but more interestingly where you aspire to go as your career unfolds into the future. At a high level, the roadmap looks at progression through the nine tiles illustrated in the diagram.


Let’s look at the career roadmap for a persona that we’ll call Raoul. He started his career as a maintenance programmer, which clearly places him in the bottom right corner. Within a few years he moved from maintenance programming to software development, placing him at the intersection of project work and technology. His project work has sparked an interest in data and he now aspires to become a data architect at the intersection of data program work. Raoul’s career roadmap options are illustrated in Figure 2.

Raoul has a number of options to consider. He could stay at the project level and move horizontally into data as a data modeler (that’s path 1 in red), then move from data modeler to data architect.


He could stay in the technology space, moving from project to program level by becoming a systems architect followed by a shift to data architect (that’s path 2 in purple). He could move diagonally from technology/project to data/program, but that’s a pretty aggressive move and likely more difficult to achieve. The edge-to-edge moves illustrated by paths 1 and 2 tend to be easier because the gaps between tiles are not as great as when attempting a corner-to-corner move such as illustrated by path 3.

So which path makes best sense for Raoul? Following path 1, he gets advantage from his project achievements and relationships, and begins to develop data experience. Following path 2 he gets an advantage from his technology and programming achievements and relationships and shifts from developer to architect. Each works as a step along the path to his ultimate goal of becoming a data architect. The best path depends on a combination of his interests and the job opportunities that are available to him.

Now let’s look at Lucy, another persona. At various times throughout her career, Lucy has worked as a business data analyst (project/information), a DBA (operations/data), and a data architect. Lucy’s data architect role was especially interesting because some of the most important work that she performed was as a liaison between the architecture group and project team. She was working not in a single tile but in two adjacent tiles – program/data and project/data. Lucy’s career roadmap is illustrated in figure 3.


Today, combining her business, technical, and data experience she believes that she is a natural fit for a lead data steward role. But where does data steward fit in the framework? It doesn’t really fit into any of the tiles, nor is it represented by two or more adjacent tiles. The data steward role is an example of working in the “white space” that separates all of the tiles. White space jobs are often the most interesting of all, and they’re certainly important as essential roles that connect all of the pieces.


I’m in absolute agreement with Dave Wells in that the use of roadmaps in career planning will continue to grow as the field expands to include big data, analytics, and other advances. There will be interesting times ahead of us as technology demands increase and the IT field diversifies with business units assuming many roles that have traditionally existed in IT departments. Rapid evolution of both technology and skills will continue to be the norm as abundant opportunities emerge for every data, information, and systems professional.


Thank you so much for this amazing article to Jennifer Hay.

I’m glad to read Jennifer’s suggestions on this article and so sharing.

You can see original article on

It’s all in the Data: Everybody is a Data Steward

A Data Steward is someone that has formal accountability for data in the organization. I say that everybody in the organization is a Data Steward. You may disagree with me or think that this idea is preposterous; however, I hope to change your mind by the end of this short column. Please give me five minutes.


My premise is based on the fact that everybody that comes in contact with data should have formal accountability for that contact. In other words, people that define, produce, and use data must be held accountable for how they define, produce, and use the data. This may be common sense, but the truth is that this is not taking place. Formalizing accountability to execute and enforce authority over data is the essence of using stewardship to govern data.

Most people agree that everybody that uses sensitive data must protect that data. The sensitive data may contain PII data (personally identifiable information) or PHI data (personal health information) or even IP data (intellectual property) that has a clear set of rules associated with how that data can be shared and who can have access to that data. The rules may be external as in the case of PII and PHI data, or the rules can be internal as in the case of IP data. But one thing is for certain: there are rules associated with at least some of your data.

The truth is that the rules for protecting sensitive data must 1) apply equally to everybody that comes in contact with sensitive data, 2) everybody must know and live the rules, 3) the rules must be formally enforced, and 4) the ability to demonstrate that people are following the rules must be auditable. This, my friends, is what I am proving in this column. Everybody that uses sensitive data must be held formally accountable for how they use the data. Therefore, they are, by my definition, a Data Steward. A Non-Invasive Data Governance™ program focuses on formalizing that level of data usage accountability.

Data Usage is only one facet of the Everybody is a Data Steward notion. What about people that define or produce data? Shouldn’t they also have formal accountability for their actions? The answer to that question is ‘Yes.’

People that define data – either by entering the data or finding new data sources, creating new systems, creating new databases, or propagating new spread-marts that will be used for decision making – should be held formally accountable for checking to see what already exists before producing, as an example, another version of the customer. People that define the ‘golden record’ or system-of-record or master data resources for your organization should be held formally accountable for the quality and value of the definition of that data.

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ recognizes the data producers as stewards of the data as well. If you produce data one of the ways mentioned previously, it is important that you understand the impact you have on the value of that data to the organization. Accepting default values may or may not be a good thing. Entering dummy data where real data is required is never a good thing. Allowing data that is not up to standards to enter your data resources may wreak havoc on decision-making. Calculating profitability may be inconsistent from product to product. People that produce data – through their functions and processes – should be held accountable for how they produce that data including the quality, accuracy, and value of the data they produce.

It all boils down to whether or not you believe that everybody with a relationship to the data should be held formally accountable for that relationship. Basically, every person in your organization has a relationship to the data. Therefore,Everybody is a Data Steward.

The idea that Everybody is a Data Steward may scare you a smidge. Most data governance programs do not follow the thinking that everybody in the organization is a data steward. In fact, most programs assign or hire people to be data stewards. The Non-Invasive Data Governance™ approach allows for certain people to be stewards at a more tactical level (subject matter experts), but the approach calls for identifying or recognizing these people based on their existing levels of authority associated with their data domains.

Are you convinced yet that Everybody is a Data Steward? Does this concept mean that your data governance program will become, in some way, more complex?  From my experience the answer is ‘not necessarily’. It depends on how you communicate and address this main tenet of data stewardship. The Everybody is a Data Steward notion guarantees that accountability for data is consistent across the organization for everybody.

Thanks for tdan community, for this article.

You can see original article in this link;

What is Unstructured Data?

The phrase unstructured data usually refers to information that doesn’t reside in a traditional row-column database. As you might expect, it’s the opposite of structured data the data stored in fields in a database.

Examples of Unstructured Data

Unstructured data files often include text and multimedia content. Examples include e-mail messages, word processing documents, videos, photos, audio files, presentations, webpages and many other kinds of business documents. Note that while these sorts of files may have an internal structure, they are still considered “unstructured” because the data they contain doesn’t fit neatly in a database.

Experts estimate that 80 to 90 percent of the data in any organization is unstructured. And the amount of unstructured data in enterprises is growing significantly  often many times faster than structured databases are growing.

Mining Unstructured Data

Many organizations believe that their unstructured data stores include information that could help them make better business decisions. Unfortunately, it’s often very difficult to analyze unstructured data. To help with the problem, organizations have turned to a number of different software solutions designed to search unstructured data and extract important information. The primary benefit of these tools is the ability to glean actionable information that can help a business succeed in a competitive environment.

Because the volume of unstructured data is growing so rapidly, many enterprises also turn to technological solutions to help them better manage and store their unstructured data. These can include hardware or software solutions that enable them to make the most efficient use of their available storage space.

Unstructured Data and Big Data

As mentioned above, unstructured data is the opposite of structured data. Structured data generally resides in a relational database, and as a result, it is sometimes called relational data. This type of data can be easily mapped into pre-designed fields. For example, a database designer may set up fields for phone numbers, zip codes and credit card numbers that accept a certain number of digits. Structured data has been or can be placed in fields like these. By contrast, unstructured data is not relational and doesn’t fit into these sorts of pre-defined data models.

Semi-Structured Data

In addition to structured and unstructured data, there’s also a third category: semi-structured data. Semi-structured data is information that doesn’t reside in a relational database but that does have some organizational properties that make it easier to analyze. Examples of semi-structured data might include XML documents and NoSQL databases.

The term big data is closely associated with unstructured data. Big data refers to extremely large datasets that are difficult to analyze with traditional tools. Big data can include both structured and unstructured data, but IDC estimates that 90 percent of big data is unstructured data. Many of the tools designed to analyze big data can handle unstructured data.

Unstructured Data Management

Organizations use of variety of different software tools to help them organize and manage unstructured data. These can include the following:

Big data tools

Software like Hadoop can process stores of both unstructured and structured data that are extremely large, very complex and changing rapidly.

Business intelligence software

Also known as BI, business intelligence is a broad category of analytics, data mining, dashboards and reporting tools that help companies make sense of their structured and unstructured data for the purpose of making better business decisions.

Data integration tools

These tools combine data from disparate sources so that they can be viewed or analyzed from a single application. They sometimes include the capability to unify structured and unstructured data.

Document management systems

Also called enterprise content management systems, a DMS can track, store and share unstructured data that is saved in the form of document files.

Information management solutions

This type of software tracks structured and unstructured enterprise data throughout its lifecycle.

Search and indexing tools

These tools retrieve information from unstructured data files such as documents, Web pages and photos.

Unstructured Data Technology

A group called the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) has published the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) standard. The UIMA “defines platform-independent data representations and interfaces for software components or services called analytics, which analyze unstructured information and assign semantics to regions of that unstructured information.”

Many industry watchers say that Hadoop has become the de facto industry standard for managing Big Data. This open source project is managed by the Apache Software Foundation.

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What is Structured Data?

Structured data refers to any data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file. This includes data contained in relational databases and spreadsheets.

Characteristics of Structured Data

Structured data first depends on creating a data model – a model of the types of business data that will be recorded and how they will be stored, processed and accessed. This includes defining what fields of data will be stored and how that data will be stored: data type (numeric, currency, alphabetic, name, date, address) and any restrictions on the data input (number of characters; restricted to certain terms such as Mr., Ms. or Dr.; M or F).

Structured data has the advantage of being easily entered, stored, queried and analyzed. At one time, because of the high cost and performance limitations of storage, memory and processing, relational databases and spreadsheets using structured data were the only way to effectively manage data. Anything that couldn’t fit into a tightly organized structure would have to be stored on paper in a filing cabinet.


Managing Structured Data

Structured data is often managed using Structured Query Language (SQL) – a programming language created for managing and querying data in relational database management systems. Originally developed by IBM in the early 1970s and later developed commercially by Relational Software, Inc. (now Oracle Corporation).

Structured data was a huge improvement over strictly paper-based unstructured systems, but life doesn’t always fit into neat little boxes. As a result, the structured data always had to be supplemented by paper or microfilm storage. As technology performance has continued to improve, and prices have dropped, it was possible to bring into computing systems unstructured and semi-structured data.

Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data

Unstructured data is all those things that can’t be so readily classified and fit into a neat box: photos and graphic images, videos, streaming instrument data, webpages, PDF files, PowerPoint presentations, emails, blog entries, wikis and word processing documents.

Semi-structured data is a cross between the two. It is a type of structured data, but lacks the strict data model structure. With semi-structured data, tags or other types of markers are used to identify certain elements within the data, but the data doesn’t have a rigid structure. For example, word processing software now can include metadata showing the author’s name and the date created, with the bulk of the document just being unstructured text. Emails have the sender, recipient, date, time and other fixed fields added to the unstructured data of the email message content and any attachments. Photos or other graphics can be tagged with keywords such as the creator, date, location and keywords, making it possible to organize and locate graphics. XML and other markup languages are often used to manage semi-structured data.

Structured Data Technology Standards

SQL has been a standard of the American National Standards Institute since 1986. It is managed by InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) Technical Committee DM 32 – Data Management and Interchange.  The committee has two task groups, one for databases and the other for metadata. HP, CA, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase (SAP) and Teradata all participate, as well as several federal government agencies. Both of the committee project documents have links to further information on each project. SQL became an International Organization for Standards (ISO) standard in 1987. The published standards are available for purchase from the ANSI eStandards Store, under the INCITS/ISO/IEC 9075 classification.

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